Introducing HIAlearn, an Online Medical Coding Education Platform to Empower Seasoned Coders and Students



Accepted by AHIMA and AAPC, HIAlearn Serves as a One-Stop-Education-Shop for coders seeking specific training plans on ICD-10, CPT, and Evaluation and Management 

Health Information Associates (HIA), the leading provider of quality coding audits and coding support services, announced its internal Learning Management System (LMS), HIAlearn, will now offer coding courses for purchase at

HIAlearn includes over 200 facility and professional fee coding courses that are accepted by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and/or the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Each course was created exclusively by the HIA education department, with a combined 80 years of experience in the industry.

Topics range from the most challenging procedures in today's coding world to wider reaching concepts. There are multiple training plans to fit each user's exact needs, whether they are a new or experienced coder.

Each course covers topic areas that impact coding and have been a frequent source of errors. They have been proven to expand coders’ clinical and coding knowledge base.

What HIAlearn offers

  • Subscription – Subscribe to HIAlearn and get instant access to over 200 courses and CEU credits. This includes one of our most popular courses, Principal Diagnosis Selection: Acute vs Chronic or Underlying Conditions. The annual and monthly subscription options provide 24/7, on demand access to the entire library of medical coding education.
  • Training Plans – Our most popular courses are bundled into specific training plans. Our Student Training Plan includes 70 of our courses that lay the crucial groundwork for more intense study.
  • Code Updates – Our 2023 Code Updates contain detailed explanations of impactful changes made to this year's coding guidelines for ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, ICD-10-PCS procedure codes, CPT codes, IPPS changes, and Evaluation and Management guidelines.

Betsy Bailey, president of HIA, believes making educational programs, like HIAlearn, accessible to the masses will help benefit the overall Health Information Management (HIM) industry. “The need for quality coders has never been greater. One of the biggest challenges medical coders face today is staying up to date on the constantly changing coding guidelines,” says Bailey. “HIAlearn gives the experienced coder an easily accessible tool to assist in refining their skills and increasing the accuracy of their work.”

HIAlearn will also serve to guide and educate students in the coding industry and equip them with the knowledge to be successful.

“Our goal in launching this platform is two-fold – offer specific coding education topics for both the seasoned coder as well as students looking to gain a trusted resource in medical coding education,” says Pat Maccariella‑Hafey, executive director of education at HIA. “This platform offers invaluable information for coders while also addressing the most frequently asked coding questions we receive from both clients and our own team.”

To get started with HIAlearn, visit Purchasing options include monthly and annual subscriptions, tailored training plans, and annual code updates.

About HIA

For the past 30 years, HIA has been the leading provider of compliance auditscoding support services and
clinical documentation audit services for hospitalsambulatory surgery centers, physician groups and other healthcare entities. HIA offers PRN support as well as total outsource support. Known industry-wide for its premier education offerings, HIA most recently launched HIAlearn, its new 100% virtual online learning platform with coding courses available for immediate purchase. HIA also offers Atom Audit, its proprietary medical coding audit and data analytics software. Atom Audit is an easy-to-use, intuitive coding review application that enables auditors to manage the entire audit life cycle efficiently and effectively. Features such as the customizable reporting dashboard and coder workflow give users the ability to turn audit insights into actionable next steps. For more information, visit or call 866-HIACODE.



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