Acute Coding Review
Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI)
Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) – Inpatient and Outpatient
Having an established Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) program positively affects revenue and improves quality measures for hospitals and physicians. That's why HIA has developed its CDI package. Our clients see a reduction in claims denials and an improvement in the appeals process with better documentation.
Clinical documentation must be clear, consistent, complete, reliable, legible, precise and timely. These characteristics will make certain that a patient’s clinical status and the level and type of care provided is accurate. In today’s complex healthcare environment, clinical documentation and coding impact quality reporting, reimbursement, public health data and ultimately your patient’s current and future care. It is imperative that your CDI program is effective.
Here's just a peek at what we can offer on-demand in Nucleus, HIA's secure client portal:
- Listing of all accounts where CDI was involved on the encounter with or without potential CDI query opportunities
- Consolidated summary of CDI accuracy rates
- Detailed listing of individual CDI accuracy breakdown
- Overview of CDI opportunities with potential query opportunity accuracy rates
- Missed query opportunities or invalid queries, if any

Our comprehensive approach
- Executive summation conference
- CDI Specialist education sessions
- Coding Education
Free Medical Coding Course
Looking to Elevate Your Coding Team's Performance? is our coding education platform with over 200 courses accepted by AHIMA for CEUs, with a selection also accepted by AAPC. Courses are designed to cover topic areas that impact coding, have been the frequent source of errors by coders and usually affect DRG assignments.
If you are interested in purchasing a subscription or training plan, please visit Group discounts are available for your organization.
To see in action, sign up for a sample course below.
Settings we serve
- Short-term acute
- Long-term Acute
- General med/surg
- Pediatric
- Academic/teaching