How we can help.
Medical Coding & Review Services
Founded on Experience, Built with Integrity, Supported by Education.
We provide the highest quality coding review and support services in the industry.
Acute Coding Support
Secure and seamless Inpatient/Outpatient remote coding solutions. Learn more »
Acute Coding Review and CDI
Mitigate compliance risk and ensure appropriate reimbursements.
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Profee Solutions
Compliance/financial reviews, education and coding support. Learn more »
Coding Education
One-on-one, group, and on-demand training. Learn more »
Ambulatory Services
Facility compliance and financial reviews, coding education and coding support.
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Atom Audit
Medical coding audit and data analytics platform. Learn more »
Contact Us

"Your team is helping us move forward with process improvements and ensuring our coded data is accurate and of top-notch quality [...] your reviewers have set the gold standard of what a consultant should be. They are both currently performing focused reviews on 100% of the work performed by a couple of coders not meeting our metrics to assess where those coders stand. Their work is very thorough and both are well rounded and bring a great deal knowledge within the coding field with them. I really appreciate having them with us."
Director of Coding
Large Health System with multiple locations in Georgia

"Your audits were very helpful, we actually embrace them here! I have perfectionist coders (which is a blessing) and we learn something new every time. Thank you for the time and effort."
Coding Manager
Health & Surgery Center in Texas

"I wanted to tell you that you all WOW!'ed this group for sure! We were so impressed with the exit conference. HIA consultants keep it real, down to earth and fun! I will be happy to be a reference for any and all that are interested!"
Director of HIM
Community Hospital in Massachusetts

"I usually don't go out of my way to send a compliment, but in this case it is deserved. [HIA Coder] has far exceeded all expectations – attitude and productivity. If we could have ten more just like [her], we would. "
Coding Manager
Teaching Hospital in Washington

"We have had a wonderful experience working with your management staff and your coders! HIA has a well put together program that is heavy on education, your coders are always dependable and responsive to communication. You all put a lot of time into developing coder's skills with performing the quality reviews and we appreciate your efforts and look forward to continuing this relationship."
Director of HIM
Children's Hospital in Ohio