Coding Education
Customized Coding Education
Coding Staff Development and Training
Ensuring the educational development of your coding staff is of utmost importance. Whether you need additional focused education based on one of our review findings or the tools to foster ongoing coder development, HIA has you covered with the latest coding updates and regulatory changes.
Education may take many avenues, including on-site visits, webinars and audio recordings. Utilizing your clinical documentation, training can consist of one-on-one, group sessions or self-paced. Programs can be tailored to fit any time frame or duration, from a few hours to ongoing monthly training and monitoring of new coding staff.
Customized coding education examples include:
- Live code updates
- Client focused Spinal Fusion coding
- Mortality
Our comprehensive approach
HIA’s comprehensive review approach is designed to provide meaningful information to as many stakeholders as possible within your organization. From the individual coder, all the way to the executive board room, HIA delivers. Our well rounded service offerings can address any and all of your education, compliance and revenue oriented objectives. And it’s backed by 30 years in the business.
Coder Development
Annual Code Updates
Custom Education Sessions
Online Medical Coding Training Courses
Medical Coding Education for the Experienced Coder.
Overcome common coding challenges identified during audits and coding staff performance reviews with HIAlearn. Our courses are designed to cover topic areas that impact coding, have been the frequent source of errors by coders and usually affect DRG assignments.