HIA Gives Back to St. Jude, ASPCA

Giving back is an important part of the HIA mission. Each year, HIA employees take a consensus and choose three National charities to support. Individuals can volunteer a portion of their wages to one of the three organizations. HIA Corporate will match each individual donation up to five dollars per pay period. We are proud to share with you our 2018 contribution totals combined with HIA matching funds.


2018 Charity Contributions

Quarter Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude ASPCA Alzheimer’s
1st $4,449 $826 $890
2nd $3,608 $654 $830
3rd $4,244 $748 $945
4th $3,393 $504 $780
Total $15,735 $2,732 $3,445


In total, HIA has donated $76,051 to St. Jude; $7,382 to ASPCA and; $5,863 to the Alzheimer’s Association. Continue reading to learn which charities we have donated to each year.


2017 Charity Contributions

Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude ASPCA American Cancer Society Wounded Warrior Amanda Register – HelpHopeLive
$10,934 $3,096 $3,364 $180 $1,344


2016 Charity Contributions

Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude Wounded Warrior Amanda Register – HelpHopeLive
$3,288 $2,225 $16,626


2015 Charity Contributions

Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude Wounded Warrior Alzheimer’s
$5,228 $6,527 $2,418


2014 Charity Contributions

Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude Wounded Warrior American Cancer Society
$4,048 $4,845 $1,219


2013 Charity Contributions

Charity/Contribution Amount
St. Jude Wounded Warrior American Cancer Society
$36,818 $4,141 $1,130



About St. Jude

St. Jude Children's HospitalSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, located in Memphis, Tennessee, is one of the world’s premier pediatric cancer research centers. Its mission is to find cures for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Learn more by visiting stjude.org.



ASPCAThe American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. Based in New York City since its inception in 1866, the organization’s mission is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” Learn more by visiting aspca.org.


About Wounded Warriors

Wounded WarriorWounded Warrior Project is a charity and veterans service organization that offers a variety of programs, services and events for wounded veterans of the military actions following September 11, 2001. It operates as a nonprofit 501 organization. Learn more by visiting woundedwarriorproject.org.



About American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. Established in 1913, the society is organized into eleven geographical divisions of both medical and lay volunteers operating in more than 900 offices throughout the United States. Learn more by visiting cancer.org.


About Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimers AssociationThe Alzheimer’s Association was founded by Jerome H. Stone with the help of several family members in Chicago, Illinois and incorporated in April 10, 1980 as the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc. and is a non-profit American volunteer health organization which focuses on care, support and research for Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more by visiting alz.org.


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