In Horry County we donated to the Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach which is located in the heart of Myrtle Beach. The Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach tradition for the past 24 years is to feed the hungry, homeless and the poor without regard to the situation or condition. The meals and fellowship are provided at NO COST to their guests. To date this year, they have served over 91,963 meals (breakfast and lunch).
In Georgetown County we donated to the Baskervill Food Pantry which is located at the Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church, in Pawleys Island. The Baskervill Food Pantry is open to all families and individuals in need or crisis. They offer a “hand-up” not a “hand-out” to help reduce the number of people affected by hunger in the community and everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The Baskervill Food Pantry is an inter-denominational effort, supported by local civic organizations, area churches and individuals.
Both organizations were so happy and appreciative for all that our staff donated! HIA is truly committed to helping others in our community not only during the Holidays but all year long as well.
Happy Holidays!